Student Accommodation
Choose from homestay, dormitory, student apartment housing or a near campus student housing community. Detailed information will base upon individual university. You must inform during admission processing, your choice for accommodation. In general term, first year university students are given the privilege of an on-campus housing served on a first come, first served bases. **Please note that sending funds does not guarantee students a room. A room is guaranteed only after the student receives a housing confirmation letter through email***. What this means, is an early application and admission processing and detailing of all necessary requirements to school prior to program acceptance. Once the admission process is concluded on time, the student stands the chance of an early bird service with accommodation.
School Accommodation:
You have a choice of on-campus or off-campus living options

School Residence. Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis

You can live minutes away where you have easy access to campus amenities and nearby city recreational facilities.
Home Stay living
Homestay program is a great way to experience Canadian culture and practice English by living with local families or individuals. Canadian homestay providers are carefully selected. Students get a private, furnished bedroom, three meals a day and a chance to live as part of a Canadian family while sharing their own culture. (Using College rating, cost per month is CAD $850,00. including meals).